January 31 Update on the Presidential Search

Submitted on behalf of James W. Nolan Jr. ’77, Parent ’01, chair of the Presidential Search Committee

On behalf of the presidential search committee, I want to give you a brief update on our progress.

Since the last update in December, when I discussed the change in direction of our search to a more confidential process, the committee has been very busy. Over the winter break we continued to engage with candidates.

In addition, we have embraced and enacted a process whereby additional campus constituents have been brought into the interview process. Recently, we invited the executive committees of the campus governance bodies that represent faculty, staff, and students to participate in weekend interviews with a candidate. As a search committee, we were very encouraged by their enthusiastic participation and thoughtful feedback. We also believe that those who participated found it to be a candid, thorough, and effective approach. We received very helpful feedback from them, which will be directly and completely shared with the Board of Trustees.

As a reminder, ultimately, the Board of Trustees is responsible for making the selection of the president. It is through working in a collaborative manner with the search committee and with the added feedback from our campus governance body executive committees that the right decision will be made.

I want to thank all who participated in this latest stage of the process for their willingness to participate during a weekend and for their openness in sharing their feedback with us. I will continue to keep you updated as to our progress.

Jim Nolan ’77
Chair of the Presidential Search Committee

Originally published in Intercom: January 31 Update on the Presidential Search