
A&E Center $2 Million Donor Ed Glazer '92

A $2 million gift from a sociology grad helps the A&E center campaign and overall campaign meet their goal. by Alex Meril ’07

“From when I was a transfer student to today, Ithaca College has always treated me great,” says Edward Glazer ’92. “For that I remain enthusiastically involved.”

That’s putting it mildly. The former sociology major and current executive vice president of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers donated $2 million to IC’s athletics and events center and simultaneously pushed the overall campaign above its $115 million goal.

Glazer’s generosity comes from a very personal feeling of gratitude. When he first applied to IC he was not accepted. But James J. Whalen, then College president, told Glazer to contact him and reapply if he kept his grades up during his freshman year elsewhere. Glazer excelled during his first year at American University, but his heart was still set on Ithaca.

Glazer wrote Whalen, and the president kept his word, even helping Glazer find housing when he transferred in. “I did what he asked,” says Glazer, “and he took care of me when I needed help. This was the kind of man he was, and he is just one of the reasons I remain involved.”

Glazer has stayed engaged with the campus and IC community. When President Peggy R. Williams and vice president for institutional advancement Shelley Semmler told him the A&E center plans, he knew that he wanted to help fund the project. “There should be no reason for any athlete to leave campus for better facilities elsewhere,” he says, “and after the center is built, they never will have to again. Athletics play such a big part in college life. I hope it becomes the selling point to any athlete considering Ithaca.”

Glazer was excited to learn that his donation not only brought the campaign to the A&E center goal, but also helped Ithaca surpass the total campaign goal. “I have been fortunate to get to know President Williams and Shelley Semmler over the years,” he says. “To see their vision come to fruition has been very exciting. I wanted to be part of putting them over the top in bringing such great new facilities to the College.”

When he’s not giving back to IC and other organizations in his community, Glazer and his siblings run their family’s three successful businesses, which in addition to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers are First Allied Corporation, which owns and manages shop-ping centers, and the English football club Manchester United.

Glazer is passionate about his work and his family — his wife, Shari, and their three young daughters. “There is nothing I enjoy more than spending time with my family and working,” he says. “If you love what you do it’s not work, and I’m lucky enough to love what I do every day.”