
ICView 2008/1

Your 2007/3 issue (“For Love of Crew” cover) was excellent, with great features.

My attention was captured especially by the piece about Tom Everett ’66, M.S. ’69.  Tom was the high school instrumental music teacher for  Batavia...


Before George Curley ’49 went to New York City to act in The Fantasticks, he starred in Rumpelstiltskin on tour with the Packit Players, formed by [the late] Margaret Itter ’42. We played children’s tales in schools in the eastern United States with compact sets designed by George...


I wanted to express my disappointment with ICView for naming the “marriages” section of the magazine “Pairings.”

If the change in terminology is meant to open up this section of the magazine to the homosexual community, I would remind you that aside from...


Three years with the Peace Corps leave an alumna with insight, frustration, and hope.  by Megan Tetrick ’03

Three winters ago I was a Peace Corps volunteer living in a small town in Ukraine, witnessing something I’d never expected to see — a revolution. Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians had taken to the...


A young alumnus starts a scholarship in gratitude to an administrator who cared.    by Greg Ryan ’08

Tas Hasan ’01 almost didn’t make it to graduation, let alone Wall Street. The Bangladeshi student was out with friends in downtown Ithaca one night when someone accidentally smashed a beer bottle over his head, resulting in a...


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