
By Alex Meril

Carl Ruck, M.M ’81, helps Adam Strube ’08 to begin his professional career — at the White House.   by Alex Meril ’07

If there is one thing that makes you strive for more, you should pursue it,” says Adam Strube ’08. The vocal performance major should know about lofty...


A $2 million gift from a sociology grad helps the A&E center campaign and overall campaign meet their goal. by Alex Meril ’07

“From when I was a transfer student to today, Ithaca College has always treated me great,” says Edward Glazer ’92. “For that I remain enthusiastically involved.” ...


The U.S. Air Force honors Colonel Arnald Gabriel ’50, M.S. ’60, H.D.M. ’89.    by Alex Meril ’07

Raised in humble circumstances during the Great Depression, Arnald Gabriel ’50 discovered his love of music listening to the Metropolitan Opera on the radio. He honed his own musical talent...


Allan Miller, M.S. ’97, joins an NSF expedition to Antarctica as a research fellow and education consultant.    by Alex Meril ’07

For some people, exploration is just a hobby. For Allan Miller, M.S ’97, it’s a lifelong passion. He’s a licensed pilot. In 2003 he was a finalist to become an...


Andy McGuffin '51 would be an impressive athlete at half his age.  by Alex Meril ’07

A mile-long walk in the neighborhood, 50 push-ups, basketball practice at the local YMCA, a five-mile bicycle ride, and 200 sit-ups before bed may seem like an extraordinary exercise regimen for even the most hardened athlete, but for...