
Alumni Profiles

Rick Roth ’76 comes up with new solutions for a new marketing world.

By Robin Roger

The advertising business has undergone dramatic change over the last several years. Consumers are more in control over how and where they engage with a brand, and retail customers hold more and more power over which brands they will support. Advertisers need integrated marketing...


Alex Krasser ’09 stars in an opera about Bill Clinton.

By Lorraine Berry

For Alex Krasser ’09, breathing is at the heart of acting technique. “Everything changes with the breath,” is the advice he learned...


A sociologist reflects on his Harlem roots.

By Julian Euell

We get stuck on our paths when we are unable to reimagine our lives different than they are right now. I was 11 years old when everything changed.

My uncle...


Presenting . . . Laura Intravia ’09

By Scott Livingston Beemer

Among her fans, Laura Intravia is better known as “Flute Link.” She acquired the nickname in the summer of 2008, before her senior year at IC, while attending Otakon, a large anime,...


Jeannine Walston ’95 takes an holistic approach to cancer treatment.

By Doug McInnis

The diagnosis included a string of inscrutable scientific terms. But the doctor’s translation was not difficult to grasp: Jeannine...


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