
Final Word

Gratitude is not the same as giving thanks

By Shelley Semmler, outgoing vice president for institutional advancement

For the past 13 years, I’ve been the vice president for institutional advancement at Ithaca College. A big part of my job is to cultivate relationships with people who support IC and, above all, to let them know how much we value their...


A sociologist reflects on his Harlem roots.

By Julian Euell

We get stuck on our paths when we are unable to reimagine our lives different than they are right now. I was 11 years old when everything changed.

My uncle...


Nothing can separate journalism and advertising.

By Anthony Di Renzo

On April 9, 2009, the Los Angeles Times upset the chattering classes by running a front-page...


A higher ed professional spends an academic year with the IC enrollment team, just as the economy implodes. by Rit Fuller ’73

It began innocuously enough. I had returned to IC during Alumni Weekend in June 2008 with a few friends for our 35th reunion. I must admit that I had not been the most...


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