
By Jessica Bachiochi

Negative political advertising plays an important role, argues one expert. by Jessica Bachiochi

“Ought a convicted adulteress and her paramour husband to be placed in the highest offices of this free and Christian land?”

This was the question planted in newspapers by supporters of John Quincy Adams in the 1828 presidential...


An essayist and a poet kick off the year’s writing series. by Jessica Bachiochi ’09 with Maura Stephens

Barbara Hurd’s mother was an artist, her father a practical problem solver. They looked at the world in very different ways. Hurd, an award-winning essayist, draws from both influences to present her view of the natural world. Renowned for her ability to...


Screenwriter Howard Rodman shares tips with aspiring writers. with Jessica Bachiochi '09

Howard Rodman likes directors with a clear vision of the story. He says working for some directors is “like trying to do a Rubik’s cube blind-folded.”

Rodman illustrated a screenwriter’s life when he visited Ithaca...


Media center opens up a new world for journalism students. by Jessica Bachiochi '09 with Maura Stephens

What’s the difference between independent journalists and people working for corporate media? What separates a journalist with a degree from everyone else with a computer and access to the Internet?

These are just some...


Indie media center hosts top practitioners at symposium. by Jessica Bachiochi ’09 with Maura Stephens

Don’t ask who produced Robert Greenwald’s documentary Iraq for Sale: the War Profiteers — unless you have a few hours to kill.

More than 3,000 people are responsible for funding the film about how large...


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