
Jeff Cohen

Farai Chideya talks about the revolution in digital reporting.     By Virginia Van de Wall ’12

“I believe that dealing with the news, as messy and problematic as it is, is one of the great journeys we have in modern society,” Farai...


Rich Lowry shares insights from the right.

By Samantha Allen '10

Last November, Rich Lowry, editor of the National Review, the biweekly magazine founded by William F. Buckley Jr. in 1955, presented his perspective on the current state...


Amy Goodman and Glenn Greenwald are Park Center for Independent Media’s first honorees.  By Erin McKigney ’09 with Maura Stephens

Blogger Glenn Greenwald and Democracy Now! host and executive producer Amy Goodman received IC’s Park Center for Independent Media’s first annual Izzy Award...


Media center opens up a new world for journalism students. by Jessica Bachiochi '09 with Maura Stephens

What’s the difference between independent journalists and people working for corporate media? What separates a journalist with a degree from everyone else with a computer and access to the Internet?

These are just some...


Indie media center hosts top practitioners at symposium. by Jessica Bachiochi ’09 with Maura Stephens

Don’t ask who produced Robert Greenwald’s documentary Iraq for Sale: the War Profiteers — unless you have a few hours to kill.

More than 3,000 people are responsible for funding the film about how large...


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