
By Zeke Wright

The BuildingGreen founder teaches how to harness renewable energy and become self-sufficient.  by Zeke Wright ’07

During the summer of 1976 a group of students from IC and Cornell received funding through the National Science Foundation to study energy self-sufficiency. The plot of land they hoped to turn self-sufficient was in south Danby; it was...


ICView intern Zeke Wright ’07 shares musings upon graduation from Ithaca College. 

College has been weird. I was supposed to know where I was going by now — or at least have some inkling. Instead, I leave feeling slightly older, slightly more well-read, and just as hopelessly lost. I came into this period of my life expecting to be...


Using the Second Life online universe as a teaching and marketing tool.   by Zeke Wright ’07

Second Life is no computer game. It’s a “metaverse,” or alternate universe. It exists online, and its population is growing daily. There is no predetermined way to play, and you don’t win or lose. Users do enjoy a...