
ICView 2007/2

The BuildingGreen founder teaches how to harness renewable energy and become self-sufficient.  by Zeke Wright ’07

During the summer of 1976 a group of students from IC and Cornell received funding through the National Science Foundation to study energy self-sufficiency. The plot of land they hoped to turn self-sufficient was in south Danby; it was...


A 1970s-era Ithaca couple sets benchmarks for community involvement. by Elizabeth Field and Maura Stephens

When it comes to fund-raising, Jerry Dietz ’75 and Judy Schapiro Dietz ’76 acknowledge, potential donors must first understand an issue, and then feel it in their hearts. Only then will they be willing to reach into their pockets....


Cynthia Sayer ’77 has a most unusual profession—jazz banjoist
by Elizabeth Bauchner

Ask Cynthia Sayer what has been the greatest source of pride in her musical career, and she won’t mention playing for two presidents, her long membership in the Woody Allen Jazz Band, her collaboration with several...


A 1970s-era Ithaca couple sets benchmarks for community involvement. by Elizabeth Field with Maura Stephens

When it comes to fund-raising, Jerry Dietz ’75 and Judy Schapiro Dietz ’76 acknowledge, potential donors must first understand an issue, and then feel it in their hearts. Only then will they be willing to reach...


The College’s first 115 years—and the 50th anniversary of the Friends of Ithaca College—are celebrated with a six-month exhibition at the History Center.   by Mbeti Hyess

Women must sign out when they leave and sign back in when they return to the dormitory. They must report where and with...


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