The Handwerker Gallery brings art to life through hands-on courses, interdisciplinary salons, and, yes, thought-provoking exhibitions. By Sherrie Negrea
“Every time I enter a museum, I feel my heart skip a beat because I am going to experience real live works of art,” says Cheryl Kramer, assistant professor of art history and director of the Handwerker...

Increasingly popular program gains department status. by Melanie Breault ’11
A biodiesel production facility, natural landscaping, energy audits, and sustainable food service to reduce waste — every one of those initiatives,” says Michael Smith, assistant professor of history and of environmental studies, “has been stimulated...

Tim Hauck ’03 and Matt Podolsky ’06 are helping to bring North America’s largest flying land bird back from near extinction. by Aaron King ’09
Each morning, Tim Hauck ’03 and Matt Podolsky ’06 are greeted by the rising sun over the Vermillion Cliffs in northern Arizona. The solitude of this remote place is...

Maple syruping, begun as an independent study project, could grow into a student-run business. by Karin Fleming ’09 with Maura Stephens
Wanted: Someone with a lot of patience who is familiar with forestry, biology, chemistry, fire-building, cooking, marketing, and sales. Must enjoy being outside in the snow, mud, and Ithaca’s biting...

Retirement marks the end of two decades of leadership. By Liz Getman '09
Howard Erlich has closed the chapter on his 20 years as dean of the School of Humanities and Sciences, but his life in academia continues. He will spend this year on sabbatical while completing his term as chair of the American Conference of...