
Preventing baseball injuries keeps Nancy Patterson '07, M.S. '08, on top of her game.
By Scott Livingston Beemer
As a young girl, Nancy Patterson ’05 had an unlikely dream: she wanted a career in...

Crutches didn’t slow down pro baseball player Dave Clark ’74. By Doug McInnis
When Dave Clark joined Little League in 1960, he brought along everything he needed to play with — his ball, his glove, and...

Gary Rosen ’86 helps launch an unlikely new sport in a country more often associated with turmoil. by Doug McInnis
Some things in this world seem out of place — professional baseball in the Middle East, for example. But in July 2007, people who tuned into public television found themselves watching a baseball game between two unexpected teams, in a most...

Sean Walsh ’89 has coached more than 1,000 kids, and loves doing it. by Khrista Trerotola ’07
When Sean Walsh ’89 steps onto the Barnstable Silver Bullets’ football field, his players pay attention. Maybe it’s because he’s double their size and wears a red varsity jacket that could be wrapped twice...