
By Doug McInnis

A group of students visits one of the world’s poorest countries — and comes away richer.  by Doug McInnis

There are just over 14 million people in Malawi, and 930,000 of them either have AIDS or are infected with the virus that causes it. AIDS has killed so many adults that the country now has a million orphans. As the country’s health problems have...



Ithaca College has earned recognition as an LGBT-friendly campus. Campus Pride ranked IC among the top 25  LGBT-friendly institutions and one of the...


 Gary Rosen ’86 helps launch an unlikely new sport in a country more often associated with turmoil. by Doug McInnis

Some things in this world seem out of place — professional baseball in the Middle East, for example. But in July 2007, people who tuned into public television found themselves watching a baseball game between two unexpected teams, in a most...


It’s one for all in the exhausting, educational, exhilarating, and uniquely cooperative sport.
by Doug McInnis

In any team sport there are players who labor in anonymity. In the sport of crew, anonymity is the rule. No one stands out because every rower does the same thing at the same time as every other rower. ...


Coaches Dan Robinson ’79 and Becky Metz Robinson ’88, M.S. ’95, share professional and personal lives.    by Doug McInnis with Maura Stephens 

In many households the standard after-work greeting is “How did your day go?” Often the question is perfunctory, but not at the Robinsons’...


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