
By Chelsea Theis

Park Design House gives students professional marketing experience — agita and all. by Chelsea Theis ’08

It started with a question: “How can we get real-life design experience for interested students?” The answer: Park Design House — a collaborative project between the Park School of Communications and the Office of Marketing Communications,...


Dan Cassavaugh ’07 is a pretty smart guy; he graduated in December, a semester early, with a degree in journalism. But even so, and even after three-and-a-half years of dealing with the bursar, he still doesn’t know the proper definition of “bursar.” “It’s like the IRS of college,” he says. “If you don’t pay...


Biology professor involves the public in an entomological sleuthing mission.
by Chelsea Theis ’08

Roses, beavers, and bluebirds are all commonly found in New York -- a good thing, as they are the official state flower, animal, and bird. But the state insect hasn’t been, er, spotted in New York in 15 years. The...


IC oboe and bassoon professors host a worldwide conference on campus.
by Chelsea Theis '08

Professors Goodhew-Romm and Morgan are no longer shoe shopping.   

In fact, they never were. But for over a year, students used “shoe shopping” as code for “Don’t bother...


Jesuit priest joins the campus faith communities.
by Chelsea Theis '08

There’s a new guy on campus, and he won’t hesitate to say hello. Father Carsten Martensen arrived at Ithaca College this summer as the new chaplain of the Catholic Community. And the first thing he’s been doing is getting to know the...


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