
Gerontology Institute

The fountain of youth is fitness.

By Samantha Allen ’10

Have you ever admired someone’s timeless beauty and wondered how that person aged so gracefully? It turns out, beauty isn’t just good fortune....


Ithaca youth celebrate older adults.   Samantha Allen ’11

The Who said it bluntly in the lyrics to “My Generation”: “I hope I die before I get old.” 

Without a doubt, aging has gotten a bad rap. Ithaca youth, however, sang a different tune last August.

The forum was Young Poets Night, hosted by the IC Gerontology...


IC enjoys a unique, valuable partnership with its neighboring senior community. by Keith Davis


What was it like living through the Great Depression? Would you be willing to speak to my class about the human impact of privatizing Medicare? Can I introduce you to Facebook? Will you waltz with me at the Harvest Moon Dance?



Celebrating 15 years of education, research, outreach, and innovation

The Gerontology Institute marked its 15th anniversary in November with a celebration of the institute’s achievements, including the addition of a major and minor in aging studies; participation in the Gerontology Infusion in the Public Schools Project; founding...


Jay Linden ’72 and Judith Samilow Linden ’73 establish a center devoted to the relationship between creativity and aging.

Martha Graham danced until she was 75. Picasso painted into his 80s. Antonio Stradivari was making his world-famous violins at 92.

Creativity certainly doesn’t stop with...