
Global Climate Change

What’s the College plan, and how can we all fight global warming? by Julissa Treviño ’10 with reporting by Erin McKigney ’09

IC took part in the National Teach-In on Global Warming in February, near the start of the first 100 days of the Obama administration, as one of more than 500...


Allan Miller, M.S. ’97, joins an NSF expedition to Antarctica as a research fellow and education consultant.    by Alex Meril ’07

For some people, exploration is just a hobby. For Allan Miller, M.S ’97, it’s a lifelong passion. He’s a licensed pilot. In 2003 he was a finalist to become an...


In the absence of a national policy on climate change, IC steps up institutional efforts.  by Doug McInnis

As the planet heats up, a lot of people have waited for Washington to set an aggressive national policy to curb greenhouse gases. Ithaca College isn’t waiting—on the government or anyone else.
