
Jewish Studies

Student uses travel grant funded by an IC parent to study a nearly extinct culture.   by Greg Ryan ’08

The Greek islands of Rhodes and Crete once featured a flourishing Jewish culture. Today that culture is almost extinguished, as nearly the entire Jewish population of the islands perished or was dislocated...


Fiction writer Lev Raphael speaks on campus about his work bridging sexual orientation and Judaic culture.

Considered one of America’s earliest “second generation” writers, Lev Raphael specializes in fiction that explores the impact of the Holocaust on the children of survivors from the late 1970s onward.



Michael Faber celebrates a quarter century as leader of IC’s Jewish community.  by Khrista Trerotola '07

When you say Michael Faber’s name, the first thing that comes to mind is Michael smiling,” says Raphael “Rafi” Golberstein ’06, past student board member of Hillel and current member...


When Leah Golberstein’s son, Rafi (short for Raphael), was a student at Ithaca College, her visits to campus always seemed to include spending time with his professors. As Leah, a former faculty member at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design, soon discovered, when Rafi’s teachers learned that one of his parents would be on campus, they made...