
study abroad

Student uses travel grant funded by an IC parent to study a nearly extinct culture.   by Greg Ryan ’08

The Greek islands of Rhodes and Crete once featured a flourishing Jewish culture. Today that culture is almost extinguished, as nearly the entire Jewish population of the islands perished or was dislocated...


Alumnae sisters create a scholarship for students studying at the London Center.     by Greg Ryan ’08

When it comes to stellar IC siblings, there aren’t many as successful as Jan Studin ’78 and Cindi Studin Berger ’83. Studin is vice president and publisher for Better Homes and Gardens, ...


A Park School student spends a challenging semester building leadership skills in the wilds of New Zealand.  by Katherine Staley ’08

It was the hardest day of my life.

After more than seven hours of hiking up New Zealand’s Rainbow Pass without stopping for food or water, we had finally...


International study is an important part of higher education.

Understanding a variety of cultures has always been a valuable ability, and perhaps at no other time in history has it been as critical for success—not only in one’s career, but in all aspects of life. The world is more interconnected than ever, and this trend will only...


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