
Athletic recruiting at Ithaca College begins early in a high school athlete’s career. by Sherrie Negrea
Jeff Bostic’s interest in applying to Ithaca College to study radio and television was jump-started when IC’s football coach traveled to Geneva, New York, to watch the varsity team captain play...

Nicole Eversley Bradwell, M.S. ’02, circles the globe to find extraordinary international students who will succeed in the Ithaca College environment. by Sherrie Negrea
For two weeks last September, Nicole Eversley Bradwell, M.S. ’02, trekked from one college fair to the next in Peru, Equador, Colombia, Costa...

Recruitment marketing presents never-ending challenges from ever-changing media and demographics. by Mbeti Hyess
“My son was getting so much e-mail from colleges that he had to change his e-mail address,” says Helene Maddux of her son Will Holets’s experience as a high school junior and...

Ithaca College helps high school students make the right higher-ed choice.
The College has joined a nationwide online resource for students and their families who are researching colleges. The University and College Accountability Network (U-CAN) offers free access to information about hundreds of private colleges and universities across the...