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The college's calendaring software, CorporateTime (CT), has now been in use on campus for over three and a half years. All of the meetings, day events, notes, and tasks for this time period are still stored on the CT server, which is causing diminished performance for the server.

ITS will be implementing an 18-month storage policy on the CT server effective October 1, 2004. From that point forward, any data more than 18 months old will be regularly deleted from the server. If you or your department has a need to keep data more than 18 months, there is a simple archiving process that you can perform before the old data is deleted, and periodically thereafter as needed. The instruction sheet is available as a PDF document at Corporate Time: Archiving Meetings.

If you have any questions, please contact the ITS Helpdesk at 4-3282.

Contributed by Karen Sunderland

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