Microsoft has recently announced a major update, known as "Service Pack 2" (SP2), to their Windows XP operating system.
SP2 is designed to help significantly improve Windows XP security by patching a number of security vulnerabilities, enabling security options, and providing a host of new tools to improve the security and reliability of Windows XP computers.
Windows updates for college-owned computers are controlled by ITS, and SP2 will not be installed until we evaluate its effect on commonly used campus applications and services. The installation of SP2 automatically enables some security features that reportedly cause problems with certain software programs - (See Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 842242 for more information). Once ITS has tested SP2 and learned more about any impact it might have on college computers, applications, or services, we will announce to the campus our plans for installing SP2 on college-owned computers. No action is required on your part at this time.
However, please be aware that personally-owned computers that have the "automatic Windows update" feature enabled will automatically download and install SP2 over the next few weeks (based on Microsoft's release schedule). This would apply to any personally-owned computer that you or our students may have on which this feature is enabled.
Additional information about SP2:
Contributed by Wendy Pearle