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Webmail Integration with myHome

Contributed by Karen Compton on 07/31/09 

Beginning August 10, 2009, Webmail users will see a temporary splash page directing them to myHome at Ithaca to access Webmail.

As of the end of the fall semester, using a "" address or bookmark will automatically re-direct the user to the myHome page. Simply login to myHome using the same username and password as Webmail, then access Webmail with one click of the "envelope" icon on the right side of the myHome page.

The only noticeable differences with using Webmail through myHome are that the myHome header page will appear above the Webmail window, and the Webmail Sign Out link will be located in the new header area. Other changes include more convenient access to Spam Trap settings, and a new system message bar that will provide important information such as e-mail scam alerts and planned e-mail system maintenance notices.

Users are encouraged to replace their bookmarks with, and begin using myHome immediately. For the fall semester, the temporary Webmail splash screen will still allow users to access Webmail directly, but by the end of the semester, Webmail will only be accessible through the myHome interface. Please note that this change only affects e-mail access through Webmail. Users of Thunderbird, Mac OS X Mail, or other e-mail clients may continue to use those programs for accessing e-mail.

myHome was introduced in August 2008 to provide faculty, staff and students with easier access to college and personal Web resources. With myHome, users sign in once, and then have access to Webmail, Oracle Calendar, Intercom, Blackboard and many other IC services, without having to login multiple times.

Using myHome as the only access point for Webmail will be another step in enhancing the security of our systems. In the future, other college systems will only be accessible through the myHome interface; a single entry point for commonly used systems offers convenience for users as well as fewer security risks.

ITS expects that users will see little functional difference with this change, and encourages everyone to explore myHome and discover the benefits it has to offer.

Related Guides:

Using Webmail
Reducing E-mail Spam

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Muller Center 102

Webmail Integration with myHome | 1 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Webmail Integration with myHome Comment from wpenfold on 08/03/09
Hi, I have a satellite connection at home and I find it is much too slow to use $searchword over--and I have the pro level, not the basic. I'm concerned I won't be able to do webmail from home if I have to go through $searchword. Will I be able to open webmail in a seperate window from $searchword? Does anyone else have this problem?