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Virginia Mansfield-Richardson Accepts Associate Provost Position at Hobart and William SmithContributed by David Maley on 09/24/15
Mansfield-Richardson joined the Park School in 1999 after holding teaching and administrative positions at Penn State, Ohio University, and American University. She previously worked for 12 years as a reporter, editor, and columnist with the Washington Post. As associate dean, her responsibilities included assessment and retention, curriculum approvals, course scheduling, graduate student advising and policies, scholarships/grants, and working with parents. “Virginia has been instrumental in leading the expansion of the school’s fast-changing curriculum and for coordinating our support for student and faculty research and creative activity,” said Diane Gayeski, dean of the Park School. “Having served as associate dean for 16 years, she has provided invaluable continuity and expertise to me and to the leaders who preceded me. It will be difficult for me to imagine the Park School without Virginia, but I congratulate her on this next well-deserved career move.” At Hobart and William Smith, Mansfield-Richardson will assist the provost and dean of faculty in critical components of academic administration, handle course offerings with department and program chairs and support advising, oversee institutional grants and assist with endowment management within the provost’s office, and contribute to the general management and operations of the office. Virginia Mansfield-Richardson Accepts Associate Provost Position at Hobartand William Smith Comment from
bbargher on
Virginia Mansfield-Richardson Accepts Associate Provost Position at Hobartand William Smith Comment from
neversley on
Virginia Mansfield-Richardson Accepts Associate Provost Position at Hobartand William Smith Comment from
depalma on
Virginia Mansfield-Richardson Accepts Associate Provost Position at Hobartand William Smith Comment from
drogers on
I have completely enjoyed working with you and will certainly miss you. This is a great opportunity for you and well deserved. Virginia Mansfield-Richardson Accepts Associate Provost Position at Hobartand William Smith Comment from
sfegely on
Virginia Mansfield-Richardson Accepts Associate Provost Position at Hobartand William Smith Comment from
cmichael on
I'll miss you. They are fortunate to have you at HWS. Hope we stay in touch. Virginia Mansfield-Richardson Accepts Associate Provost Position at Hobartand William Smith Comment from
jbradac on
Virginia Mansfield-Richardson Accepts Associate Provost Position at Hobartand William Smith Comment from
hegginton on
Virginia Mansfield-Richardson Accepts Associate Provost Position at Hobartand William Smith Comment from
shamula on
You and I came to Ithaca College in the same cohort, 1999. It's been a pleasure to work with you in the Park School and my best to you on your new adventure. I'll miss our shared affinity for a good cup of COFFEE! Virginia Mansfield-Richardson Accepts Associate Provost Position at Hobartand William Smith Comment from
roses on
Susie Rosenthal |
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