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Read more . . . (114 words) Selections from ‘Porgy and Bess’ to Highlight Ithaca College School of Music Celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. DayContributed by Baruch Whitehead on 01/16/14
The Ithaca College School of Music’s annual celebration of the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. will feature American soprano Marlissa Hudson performing selections from Gershwin’s “Porgy and Bess.” The MLK Day Concert will take place on Monday, Jan. 20, at 7:30 p.m. in Ford Hall. It is free and open to the public.
Read more . . . (222 words) Naeem Inayatullah’s (Politics) three-page article, “Playing on the Shores of an Imperial Pedagogy,” appears in the journal Critical Studies on SecurityContributed by Kimberly Anderson on 01/16/14 Naeem Inayatullah’s (Politics) three-page article, “Playing on the Shores of an Imperial Pedagogy,” appears in the journal Critical Studies on Security, Vol. 1, No. 3, (2013), pp. 355-357. He discusses three of his courses: “Cuba and Haiti,” “Music of the African Diaspora,” and “Seeing ‘War of the Worlds.’” Read more . . . (23 words) Classroom Reservation Process During the Add/Drop Period – Notice from the Registrar & Campus Center and Event ServicesContributed by Rachel Ash on 01/16/14
Read more . . . (356 words)
Read more . . . (118 words) The MLK Day of Celebration is Monday, January 20! Check Out the Full Schedule of Events!Contributed by Samantha Stafford on 01/16/14
Every year the college celebrates the history and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King in our MLK Day Celebrations. This year’s theme is a ‘Single Garment of Destiny’ and will feature many educational sessions that relate to Dr. King’s vision in our modern global society. These sessions are open to all members of the Ithaca College Community. For students, each presentation will count towards SLI Credit in the Leading in a Diverse World Series. To receive SLI credit for any of these events, please log into OrgSync and register for the sessions. Read more . . . (248 words) Michael Twomey publishes eco-critical study of medieval literatureContributed by Michael Twomey on 01/15/14
Circles mailroom - open additional hours during the semesterContributed by Peter Schlough on 01/15/14 Starting on Jan 25, the Circles mailroom will be open for package pickup on Saturdays, 11am - 1pm. Read more . . . (28 words) Start out your summer with an international field experience in MalawiContributed by Kathaleen Besemer on 01/15/14 An informational meeting will be held at the Hammond Health Center conference room, second floor, on January 23, 2014 at 12:15 for students interested in this summer course. Read more . . . (54 words) Quoted in the media: Faculty members Rhoda Meador, Deborah King, Scott Hamula, Maura Stephens and Jeff Cohen; staff members Thomas Rochon and Gerard Turbide. For more information on the following articles, please visit the IC in the Media page. Read more . . . (156 words) Saturday 1/18 Student Package Pick up Hours & LocationsContributed by Karen Serbonich on 01/15/14
Phillips Hall Post Office - 9am - 5pm
Syllabus Insert for Faculty Regarding the Americans with Disabilities ActContributed by Linda Uhll on 01/15/14 In response to requests by faculty for a statement regarding services for students with disabilities, here is a concise insert for inclusion in course syllabi. Please encourage students registered with Student Disability Services to meet with you during office hours to discuss their accommodation plan. "In compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act, reasonable accommodation will be provided to students with documented disabilities on a case-by-case basis. Students must register with Student Disability Services and provide appropriate documentation to Ithaca College before any academic adjustment will be provided." Division of Human and Legal Resources Winter Retreat - Wednesday, January 15, 2014Contributed by Bonnie LeBlanc on 01/14/14 The Office of the Vice President and General Counsel will be closed from 8:30 A.M. through 2:30 P.M. on Wednesday, January 15, 2014 to attend a Division of Human and Legal Resources Winter Retreat. Read more . . . (91 words) Football Coach Mike Welch Named President of National AssociationContributed by Joe Gladziszewski on 01/14/14
Read more . . . (499 words) Contributed on behalf of Vice President Gerald Hector. On January 31, 2014, the College’s Associate Vice President for Information Technology Services, Mr. Ed Fuller will be retiring after almost thirty nine years of service. Twenty of those thirty nine years he served as the Associate Vice President responsible for all information technology services. Read more . . . (75 words) Participate in a research opportunity: Experiences of Adolescents with Mental Health or Substance Abuse ChallengesContributed by Jessye Cohen-Filipic on 01/14/14 We are IC faculty in Sociology and Psychology. We invite you to consider being part of a research opportunity. We are doing research on the experiences of young adults who have received services for mental health or substance abuse challenges. Read more . . . (68 words)
To request space at the fair please complete the 2014 Spring Student Organization Fair sign up form by January 23. Space is first come, first serve. All registered or new student organizations are able to sign up. If you have any questions please email
Facilities Services provides confidential shredding service for on-campus generators of confidential documents.
Read more . . . (434 words) Faculty members play an important role in the lives of students that extends beyond the teaching of course material. The staff of Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) recognizes faculty’s potential to influence student’s attitudes about mental health care. We know the stigma about accessing mental health services cause some students to suffer needlessly. Therefore, we invite you to partner with us to identify students at risk, reach out to them, or to report your concerns via the Students at Risk Initiative. In an effort to prevent potential negative outcome of students in distress, the enclosed statement was generated as a guide for faculty to consider including in their syllabi.
Read more . . . (273 words) Mail services is opening Bogart mail room as a temporary package pickup location. Read more . . . (110 words) |
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