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The Making a Living While Making a Difference Panel will feature speakers from the Binghamton Zoo, Citizen Schools, Clean & Healthy NY, FBI and Suicide Prevention & Crisis Service (Tompkins County).  Panelists will talk about their organizations' missions and typical career opportunities, as well as what it is like to work in nonprofit and government agencies.

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Chelsie Reed, an Ithaca College DPT student in her final year of studies at the Rochester Center, is this year’s recipient of the Ann Marie Sirois Clinical Education Scholarship. This clinical education scholarship is awarded to a student with high academic achievement, a record of scholarship and community service.  

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Hey Class of 2013!

Contributed by Alyssa Cooper on 02/19/13 

Are you ready to make a toast to the past 4 years?! Send in pictures of you and your friends to be played in a slideshow at the Toast to 2013 event on April 5 in Emerson Suites! Please label your pictures from the year they are from and email them to

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Faculty, students, and staff are invited to attend a presentation by candidate, Phuong Nguyen, who is a semi-finalist for the line in Asian-American Studies. This will be a dual appointment, between the CSCRE and Sociology. There is also an "open meeting" time slot if you want to meet with the candidate.

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Want to discuss education? Do you care about education and want to learn more about how you can help sponsor the education of a girl?

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Interested in presenting your research to your peers and faculty?  We are now accepting proposals for oral presentations or display posters on research you have completed.  Musical or other creative presentations are also encouraged. 

 As the premier academic event at Ithaca College, the 16th Annual James J. Whalen Symposium will be held on Thursday, April 4, 2013 in the Campus Center.    The schedule is as follows:


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Interested in presenting your research to your peers and faculty?  We are now accepting proposals for oral presentations or display posters on research you have completed.  Musical or other creative presentations are also encouraged. 

 As the premier academic event at Ithaca College, the 16th Annual James J. Whalen Symposium will be held on Thursday, April 4, 2013 in the Campus Center.    The schedule is as follows:


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Help the Office of Residential Life celebrate RA Appreciation Day!

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The Fred Kastenbaum PreHealth Award is to be used for assistance with preparation for the required standardized exams associated with admittance to graduate health programs such as: MCAT, DAT,  OAT, GRE

  • A $500 award will be granted this semester.
  • Get full details here.

This award is available through the Premedical Sciences Advisory Committee. 

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Intrigued by the idea of spending the Fall 2013 semester in New York City with fellow IC undergraduate students for an outstanding academic and personal experience?

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The Sustainability Café on Monday, February 25th will feature Collin McCarthy from Spruce Haven Farm discussing “Milk, Butter, Ice Cream: An Introduction to Dairy Farming.” The Café will be held in Center for Natural Sciences Room 112 at 4:00PM, in conjunction with the Environmental Seminar. The Spring 2013 Sustainability Café/Environmental Seminar series is focused on our local food system. 

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Matthew Klemm, Assistant Professor of History, has published an article entitled "Les complexions vertueuses: la physiologie des vertus dans l'anthropologie medicale de Pietro d'Abano" (Virtuous Complexions: The Physiology of Virtues in Pietro d'Abano's Medical Anthropology), in the journal Medievales, 63, automne 2012.

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In an effort to provide the highest quality of service to students, as well as faculty, we want to make faculty aware of testing procedures that are in place within our office for the administration of exams.

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Regular semester testing has picked up and midterms are approaching quickly so here are a few reminders about preparing test materials for students electing to take their tests with Student Disability Services:

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The School of Health Sciences and Human Performance Dean's Office is now accepting on-line applications from current HSHP major and minor students for 2013-2014 endowed scholarships. Deadline: 4pm, EST  Friday, March 8, 2013. No late submissions will be accepted. For more infomation:


The Scarf, a Tool of Empowerment, and the Modest Style Movement
Nancy Hoque, designer, sixteenR
Thursday, February 21, 2013, 6.00 p.m.
Handwerker Gallery
Gannett Center, Ithaca College

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WHITE LIES: featuring work by Vinita Prabhakar (Lecturer) & Cameron Halladay ('13)
Followed by a themed open reading.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013, 6.00 p.m.
Handwerker Gallery, Ithaca College

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This summer the writing department will offer an online course in Travel Writing taught by Professor Nick Kowalczyk. The 3-credit, 300-level course will be offered through the month of July. It focuses on both the kind of travel writing you see in magazines & guidebooks, plus the kind of "literary" writing published as travelogues, memoirs, essays, and foreign correspondence & reportage. Please read the course description on HomerConnect & contact Professor Kowalczyk ( if you have any questions.

Associate professor of psychology Jeff Holmes and professor Barney Beins have co-authored a research laboratory manual in psychology. The book, published by Pearson Custom Library, presents a series of laboratory exercises designed for courses in research methodology.

This summer the writing department will offer an online course in Travel Writing taught by Professor Nick Kowalczyk. The 3-credit, 300-level course will be offered through the month of July. It focuses on both the kind of travel writing you see in magazines & guidebooks, plus the kind of "literary" writing published as travelogues, memoirs, essays, and foreign correspondence & reportage. Please read the course description on HomerConnect & contact Professor Kowalczyk ( if you have any questions.