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Muller Chapel Read more . . . (81 words) Muller Chapel Read more . . . (81 words) Curious about MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course)? Please join the Center for Educational Technology, Center for Faculty Excellence, and the Office of Extended Studies in a MOOC on blended learning. Please see the information below on how to sign up--its free!---and then watch for announcements about on-campus meetings to share our experiences.
Read more . . . (192 words) Students Today, Alumni Tomorrow is looking for a graphic designer...We know you want to!Contributed by Samantha Gibble on 09/20/12 STAT needs YOU to be our next graphic designer! Read more . . . (95 words)
Don't forget to come so you can get your raffle tickets to win the movie poster. Also, popcorn will be available for a dollar! If this sounds like a good time, come to Textor 102 at the following times: Thursday September 20 8:00PM Read more . . . (23 words)
Read more . . . (23 words) Colleges Against Cancer is searching for a new marketing chair!Contributed by Alyssa Frey on 09/20/12 Interested in marketing? Have an eye for graphic design? Marketing is responsible for all print advertising that CAC puts out for our events, including, and most importantly, Relay for Life. We are also always looking for new ways to market and promote our events on campus to get the best attendance. That being said, the Marketing Chair is responsible for keeping in contact with the other CAC committees to help them market their upcoming events and activities. Apply to be CAC's new marketing chair and get to work with an already amazing executive board! Applications can be found here and are due September 24. They can be sent to Read more . . . (23 words) Imprint Magazine is holding a writing, photo and video contest from October 1 to November 1! Categories include photo, video, politics, feature (sports, life & style, arts & entertainment) and creative writing. Each category winner will receive $100 from Imprint Magazine. To look at Imprint's writing style, check out For more information about the contest, email Editor-in-Chief Alyssa Frey at In order to request funds from SGA, your organization must attend a Funding 101 Session. There will be one additional session offered on Wednesday, September 26 at 7 PM in Textor 103. Attendance will be recorded at this session. Attention First and Second Year Students: Apply to be a part of the Academic Enrichment Services Emerging Scholars Program!!Contributed by Yolanda Clarke on 09/20/12
Academic Achievement, Retention, Graduation and Progression Read more . . . (127 words) Reminder: ALANA Academic Achievement Awards Banquet tomorrow evening (Saturday) Emerson Suites, 6:00pm, Business Professional AttireContributed by Yolanda Clarke on 09/20/12
Please arrive at Emerson Suites by 5:45pm. Business Professional attire is highly appreciated! Recipients will receive awards in the following categories: First Year Academic Recognition Outstanding Academic Excellence Exceptional Academic Excellence Superior Junior and Senior Silver Star Academic Excellence Superior Junior and Senior Gold Star Academic Excellence Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Heather Crider at aes or (607) 274-3381. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.
Students Today Alumni Tomorrow Spirit Week Banner Contest! Read more . . . (156 words) Over 135 Programs Represented at the 14th Annual Grad and Professional School FairContributed by Nikki Lynn on 09/20/12 Please encourage your students to attend this event on Tuesday October 2, 2012 from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. in Emerson Suites. Law School and Medical School recruiter panels will take place in Clark and Kling immediately following the fair. Read more . . . (72 words) Still Room! Tues 9/25 (2 PM - 3:30 PM) Pathways Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Training for Faculty and StaffContributed by Paul Mikowski on 09/20/12 All faculty and staff are welcome to attend a Pathways training to learn to identify and respond to a student who might be experiencing distress. We appreciate your willingness to learn crisis response skills before you need them. Read more . . . (68 words)
Read more . . . (223 words) Apple Cider, Butternut Squash Soup, and Pumpkin Ice Cream-Oh My!Contributed by Stephanie Piech on 09/20/12 Did you come to our Organic Harvest yesterday? If you missed it, no worries! Check out our blog for all the details about the delicious organic and local foods that were served! Read more . . . (89 words) Be a part of Park School Student Films: New Cast and Crew ListservContributed by Melissa Gattine on 09/20/12 The Park School has created a new listserv called “ParkCastCrewCalls” for students who are looking to participate in student films. The list is open to all majors. Student filmmakers are invited to post individual opportunities or audition information. To join the listserv: Ithaca College's Annual Employee Benefits & Work/Life FairContributed by Julie Tinkham on 09/20/12 Benefits Eligible Employees- Save the Dates! Mark your calendar for the Annual Employee Benefits and Work/Life Fair being held on Thursday, November 1st from 10am to 3pm in Emerson Suites. Get ready to shake, rattle and roll through your IC benefits with the help of your ICHR associates. Your IC faculty/staff ID will be your ticket into a rockin’ good time, so don’t forget it! This year the Office of Human Resources is partnering with the IC Caring & Sharing Committee. Be a doll and bring a non-perishable food item to the Fair for Caring & Sharing’s annual Thanksgiving holiday food drive and receive a chance to win a gift card from Sodexo Dining Services! The online re-enrollment process will run from November 5th through the 16th. Drop-in sessions will be held during this time. Benefits staff and our Aetna Representative will be available to answer questions or assist employees with the online re-enrollment process. Read more . . . (34 words) David Sheinin, Trent University, will present "The Plot to Modernize Indigenous Peoples: Rethinking Human Rights Under Military Rule in Argentina, 1976-1983."Contributed by Jonathan Ablard on 09/20/12 Dr. Sheinin's talk will take place on September 24th (Monday) at 7pm in Clark Lounge. The talk is sponsored by Latin American Studies with generous support from the Department of History and Cornell University's Latin American Studies Program. Read more . . . (251 words) Zillah Eisenstein: Recognition and Newest ArticulationsContributed by Thomas Shevory on 09/20/12 Friday, Sept. 21, 2012, 3 PM Read more . . . (107 words) |
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