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Read more . . . (76 words) Business Students Score High Marks in National ExamContributed by Leslie Shelhamer on 05/01/17 Congratulations to the following School of Business seniors who scored in the top ten percent of Ithaca College students taking the ETS - Major Field Test (MFT) in Business this academic year: Alexander Carpino, Leandra DeVito, David Heffernan, Parin Kaba, Harrison Lindsay, Attila Mendli, Romano Meza-Leal, Brooke Morsch, Alek Peters, Adam Rudd, Daniel Ruthman, Joshua Savacool, Ryan Sloan, Pat Smith, Garrett Strong, Nicholas Uliva and Winston Wenham. These students also scored in the top 10% of students taking the exam nationwide. The ETS - Major Field Test in Business, which has been administered by over 500 colleges and universities in recent years, is a standardized exam designed to measure a student’s business knowledge and the ability to apply facts, concepts, theories and analytical methods. The School of Business uses the exam to assess its foundational business knowledge student learning outcome (SLO). Read more . . . (1 words)
Read more . . . (25 words) Integrative Therapies for Individuals with Breast CancerContributed by Theresa Johnson on 05/01/17 The club Ithaca College Unites For HER participates in fundraising efforts to provide a grant to any student, faculty, staff or immediate family member of theirs affected by breast cancer. This grant is to help pay for integrative, complementary therapies to help those who are going through or have gone through breast cancer treatment. These therapies include acupuncture, yoga classes, massage therapy, and nutrition counseling among others. To learn more about this club, the grant, and to apply either for yourself or on behalf of an immediate family member, please visit our website To learn more about the organization in general please visit Please join the Department of Physics & Astronomy for a talk entitled: Is there any hope for mitigating climate change?Contributed by Jill Ackerman on 05/01/17 Professors Nancy Jacobson, Ithaca College Department of Biology, and Michael Twomey, Ithaca College Department of English, give a talk for the Spring Seminar Series Read more . . . (126 words) Congratulations to the newest and promoted (Biology/Biochemistry) Tri-Beta members!Contributed by Nancy Pierce on 04/30/17
The Chi Xi chapter of Beta Beta Beta (TriBeta) was installed at Ithaca College in 1992 and has more than 200,000 past and present members. Founded in 1922 at Oklahoma City University, TriBeta has evolved to become a nationally recognized professional honor society whose purposes are to promote scholarship in the biological sciences, growth in biological knowledge and to encourage research.
If you like brunch, and you like it even more when it's free, then you are going to be really happy on Saturday, May 6! All Ithaca College students, staff, and faculty are invited to celebrate the end of the year at the second annual IC Community Brunch! Read more . . . (72 words) In an effort to support the increasing growth of conferences and events occurring at Ithaca College during the summer, Parking Services has collaborated with Campus Center and Event Services to create new summer parking restrictions that are more hospitable to the many visitors that are attracted to come to Ithaca College over the summer. The goal of this change is to create a more welcoming environment for our summer guests who are unfamiliar with our campus. These changes are feasible given the significant reduction of faculty, staff and students accessing parking facilities on campus during the summer months.
Read more . . . (242 words) DIIS AVP/CIO Search: Second Candidate Campus Visit on MondayContributed by Jaimie Voorhees on 04/30/17 The next candidate for DIIS Associate Vice President/Chief Information Officer will be on campus on Monday, May 1. Members of the campus community are invited to attend an open session, which is scheduled at 1:30 pm in Textor 103. Materials for the candidate can be found here. Read more . . . (69 words)
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Read more . . . (48 words) " Equity and Inclusion: From Talk to Action" Presented by the Diversity Consortium of Tompkins County, this biannual conference provides the community with a venue for community-wide learning and dialog for addressing equity and inclusion and for developing next steps in creating a culturally competent and inclusive community in which to work, live, and learn. Read more . . . (131 words)
Read more . . . (76 words) Graduates - Your Student Access to Microsoft Office 365 Applications and OneDrive Will ChangeContributed by Karen Compton on 04/30/17 Shortly after graduation, your student access to Microsoft Office 365 applications, including OneDrive, will change. Read more . . . (170 words) Handwerker Reading Series Presents Dr. Anthony Di Renzo, Co-author of Dead Reckoning: Transatlantic Passages on Europe and America (Tues., 5/2)Contributed by Jacob White on 04/30/17
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Currently registered Monthly Pass members: Karen took all the weight record cards remaining in her possession to the Weight Watchers location at The Shops at Ithaca Mall on Triphammer Road. Meeting times can be found at when members can either attend or stop by to pick up their card. You can take this card to another meeting. From the area managers: Read more . . . (96 words) Surplus #10 White Envelopes $30.00/ box of 500, $17.50/250 or or $8.00/100 EnvelopesContributed by Karen Serbonich on 04/28/17
Surplus #10 White Envelopes $30.00/box of 500, $17.50/250 or $8.00/100Contributed by Karen Serbonich on 04/28/17
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