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Alternative Assessment Methods in Remote Learning: Panel Discussion Oct 1stContributed by Colette Matisco on 09/29/20
How do students demonstrate their learning? Hosted by the Center for Faculty Excellence, eight interdisciplinary colleagues will describe a range of their alternative, and perhaps, innovative, assessment methods for an online modality. Please join your colleagues for one or both lively discussions about their virtual assessment practices. Read more . . . (27 words)
Fulbright is the most widely recognized and prestigious international exchange program in the world. The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program, for example, offers approximately 470 teaching, research or combination teaching/research awards in over 125 countries. Read more . . . (92 words)
Four Summer Institute Complementary Topic sessions will be held August 4-21. For the Zoom links, see the CFE event calendar. Read more . . . (527 words) Webinars & Tech Tool modules complement the Summer Institute for facultyContributed by Colette Matisco on 08/02/20
A series of webinars offered by Library staff, and tech tool modules developed by TLT staff will be available as listed below. The Tech Intensive SU20 modules are self-paced and asynchronous, with optional orientations via Zoom. Both the webinars and modules complement the Summer Institute for faculty. Enrolling in the Institute is not necessary to participate in the webinars or access the modules. Read more . . . (248 words)
On August 4th and August 5th, IT Teaching & Learning with Technologies team and Top Hat will be hosting an exciting webinar event covering how to teach Hyflex or Hybrid classes with their newly added virtual classroom tools. Read more . . . (244 words)
Are you looking for a mentor but don’t know where to start? Drop into office hours to learn more about mentoring for women at IC! Read more . . . (268 words) Connect Remotely - Women’s Mentoring Network - Diversity Book ClubContributed by Colette Matisco on 05/12/20
Please join us for a book club focused on the topics of diversity, equity, and inclusion created through the Women’s Mentoring Network. The purpose of the book club is to engage people in conversations surrounding diversity, and how we can make a more inclusive campus. The books may not all relate explicitly to higher education, and the discussions can take us beyond the university lens. Text is used to give everyone a common-ground on which to begin these conversations, and we will look into texts that explore different facets of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Read more . . . (243 words)
All relationships and endeavors are based in conversation. If differences are to be made, conversations are how those changes will come about. Typically, conversations are monologues occurring simultaneously. Every second we are flooded with personal biases and opinions; how are we supposed to engage in interactions with an open and curious mind? And how do we do it expeditiously? These are good questions, especially in these times of volatility, uncertainty, and complexity. Read more . . . (104 words)
A friendly reminder to faculty: Instructional Development Fund proposals are due in the Center for Faculty Excellence, 316 Gannett Center, April 15. Read more . . . (189 words)
For support with your transition to remote teaching, please join one or all of the following webinars offered via Zoom. Read more . . . (294 words)
Please allow us to provide support with your transition to remote teaching. Feel free to join one or all sessions. Read more . . . (42 words) Center for Faculty Research and Development (CFRD) Proposals DueContributed by Colette Matisco on 02/20/20
Full-time, continuing faculty members are invited to submit proposals to the Center for Faculty Excellence for CFRD released time during the Spring 2021 semester. Read more . . . (99 words)
We are seeking volunteers to serve as College Trained Advisors and/or Board Members for cases of sexual misconduct. Both Advisors and Board Members play a critical role in protecting student rights and enacting due process measures. College Trained Advisors are part of a pool of college employees made available, through the Title IX Office, to complainants and respondents as they go through the investigative and student conduct processes. Advisors are an invaluable supportive measure for participants of the sexual misconduct process, as they offer support, knowledge, and a helping hand throughout the process. Board Members will be called upon for Conduct Review Boards to review all evidence collected during an investigation and presented by Complainants and Respondents during the hearing. This board will present a finding based on the preponderance of evidence. Conduct Review Board members are an essential part of the decision-making process and ensure a fair and equitable experience for all involved parties throughout the duration of the hearing. Read more . . . (107 words) Didn't have a chance to attend an Opioid Overdose Training Workshop last semester? Two workshops are scheduled for this semester-- so mark your calendar!Contributed by Nancy Reynolds on 01/20/20
Read more . . . (106 words) Save the Date for Department of Occupational Therapy's Research ColloquiumContributed by Anne Carlineo on 02/28/19
Read more . . . (39 words) Summer Grants for Faculty Research - Proposals Due February 22Contributed by Colette Matisco on 02/17/19
Summer Grants for Faculty Research are intended to support post-terminal degree scholarly endeavors for full-time continuing Ithaca College faculty and faculty regularly employed on at least a half-time basis. Awards provide $3,350 in compensation for eight weeks or full-time research. Proposals are due in the Center for Faculty Excellence, 316 Gannett Center, by Friday, February 22. Guidelines and application form may be found at Read more . . . (1 words) |
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