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The National Science Foundation recently awarded Ithaca College a three-year grant of $149,000 to be used to develop a curriculum focusing on the concept of environmental sustainability, using as its vehicle a formal partnership with EcoVillage at Ithaca.

Specifically, the goal is to develop a number of courses which will utilize EcoVillage as a field station or "living laboratory" where classroom instruction is joined with field application. This colloquium deals with this project.

A Faculty Development Colloquium, Thursday, February 20, 12:10-1:00 pm, Clark Lounge
The Ithaca College-EcoVillage Partnership: Fostering Sustainability through Teaching

The panelists were coauthors of the NSF grant proposal and now serve as the grant's coordinating team. The colloquium will serve as an introduction to the grant's vision, the activities funded by the grant, and the planned course offerings, as well as an introduction to the larger concept of sustainability. It will also serve as an invitation to faculty to participate in other grant-funded activities, including funding opportunities for additional curriculum development.

This presentation is part of the Faculty Development Colloquium Series sponsored by the Faculty Development Committee and the Office of the Provost and coordinated by Susanne Morgan.

Please bring lunch if you wish; cookies and beverages are provided. Even if you need to arrive late or leave early, you are welcome.

  • The Ithaca College-EcoVillage Partnership: Fostering Sustainability through Teaching
    Thursday, February 20, 12:10-1:00 pm, Clark Lounge
    Susan Allen-Gil, biology
    Tom Shevory, politics; coordinator, environmental studies
    Garry Thomas, anthropology
    Liz Walker, director, EcoVillage at Ithaca
    Elan Shapiro, EcoVillage at Ithaca

Additional scheduled events include:

  • Stress-free Math
    Jack Vanderzee, mathematics
    Tuesday, March 4, 12:10-1:00 pm, Clark Lounge
  • Changes in the immigration law -- how do they affect your international students?
    Adrian Sherman and others, international programs
    Tuesday, March 18, 12:10-1:00 pm, Clark Lounge
  • Using data from the Pathways to Life Quality Study
    Mary Ann Erickson, gerontology
    Tuesday, March 25, 12:10-1:00 pm, Clark Lounge
  • Faculty Portfolios
    Granger Macy and Bill Tastle, business
    Thursday, April 3, 12:10-1:00 pm, Clark Lounge
  • Nutrition and Aging: Students and Longview Residents
    Jeanne Lawless, health promotion and human movement
    Tuesday, April 8, 12:10-1:00 pm, Clark Lounge
  • What Erases the Coast: a Poetry Reading
    Sarah Jefferis, English and writing
    Thursday, April 10, 12:10-1:00 pm, Clark Lounge
  • Alger's Grandsons Take Technical Writing: The American Success Story and Urban Technical School Training
    Rick Anderson, writing
    Thursday, April 24, 12:10-1:00 pm, Clark Lounge
  • Chinese Dissident Poets Bei Dao and Yi Ping
    Paul Hamill, academic funding
    Tuesday, April 29, 12:10-1:00 pm, Clark Lounge

Suggestions of additional programs are welcome:

Faculty Development Colloquium: IC-EcoVillage Partnership | 0 Comments |
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