Effective on or about March 10, TCAT will be changing its service to the Ithaca
College campus. Routes 9, 11 and 12 will experience schedule and route changes.
Weekday service on Route 11 between campus and the Commons will return to a 30-minute
cycle. TCAT service to College Circle will be discontinued, and daily service
on Route 11 for the Towers and for Longview will be offered on an alternating
basis each hour.
This change returns the public transportation service to our campus to the
same level which was in place before the start of the Fall 2002 semester. Residents
considering selection of College Circle for on-campus housing were consistently
advised that Ithaca College would not provide separate shuttle service between
that housing complex and main campus. However, Ithaca College agreed to work
with TCAT to try to provide service to College Circle as part of the existing
public transit service to South Hill.
In an attempt to accommodate that request, TCAT extended the service run-
time on Route 11 from 30 minutes to 45 minutes in order to include College
Circle in the route. This well-meant route extension had a wide variety of
unintended negative consequences to a majority of campus and community riders
utilizing that bus route. Ridership from College Circle residents has been
consistently low since September, necessitating the decision by TCAT to return
Route 11 to a route and schedule proven beneficial to the vast majority of
its users in and around South Hill.
Revised service maps and schedules will be available from TCAT as soon as
Please refer to the TCAT website for the
specific changes to these routes and schedules as soon as they are posted
( http://www.tcatbus.com ).
Thank you for your patience in adjusting to this new schedule.
Authors: Carl Sgrecci and Brian McAree