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The Diversity Awareness Committee (DAC) educates the campus community about issues of diversity by planning and running its own programs and by offering financial co-sponsorship to other organizations' diversity programs. We also help publicize these programs.

In the past year the DAC has seen an increase in the number and size of funding requests from other organizations which has put a strain on the committee's budget and has made funding decisions much more difficult. We have developed the following guidelines to maximize the number of programs that DAC can fund, and to ensure that departments and organizations such as yours all have access to and understand the funding request process.

  • Funding requests will be reviewed and decided upon at the first meeting of each month only. The meetings during which funding requests will be considered this spring are:
    • February 11th
    • March 4th
    • April 8th
  • The organization/department making the funding request must send a representative to the meeting in order to make the request preferably at least one month before the event.
  • The funding request must highlight a program that will support a diversity education program or initiative benefiting the Ithaca College community.
  • The organization/department must submit a completed funding request form immediately following the DAC meeting. Forms can be obtained from the committee co-chairs Beth Brunelle and Bonnie Solt Prunty.
  • The funding request must include an itemized break down of the total cost of the program.
  • The requesting organization/department must demonstrate that its members are exploring a variety of funding sources.

Typically, funding requests are for $50 -$250. Because we have a limited budget it is very difficult for DAC to make allocations larger than this. When making a decision regarding the funding amount the committee considers the following criteria:

  • Does the program/initiative offer diversity education to the IC community?
  • Has the sponsoring organization pursued a variety of funding options?
  • What percentage of the program cost is the group asking DAC to fund?
  • Does the program seem well organized and publicized?

We hope this information helps you to better understand the Diversity Awareness Committee funding request process. If you have any questions/concerns please contact us at the numbers or addresses listed below.

Authors: Bonnie Solt Prunty 274-3141, Beth Brunelle 274-3290

DAC Funding Request Guidelines | 0 Comments |
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