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Math Afternoon for Kids

Contributed by Dani Novak on 03/03/03 

The math/CS department at Ithaca College is organizing a Math Fun and Creativity afternoon on Wednesday, March 26 from 4:00 till 6:40 pm.

The purpose of the program is to encourage school children from all ages to see math in a beautiful and fresh way and also to help kids do their math homework. We hope that in some cases Ithaca College students and school children will "connect" so that the students will be able to continue working with the child on a periodic basis.

The workshop is geared for all children but a special emphasis is on children who start disliking mathematics, helping them regain self-confidence in their own reasoning abilities. Children of faculty and staff are invited, of course.

To register for the program, please e-mail Dani Novak or write to

Dani Novak
Math/CS Department
Ithaca College
Ithaca NY 14850
Please include in your letter the child's name, age, and special interests/needs, as well as anything else that can help us create the right experience for the child. If you write by regular mail please include your address and phone number.

Submitted by Dani Novak

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