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ACCS currently manages a large number of computer labs, classrooms, and public-access facilities containing over 600 computers and other equipment. Installations and changes in this complex environment require long lead times and careful planning.

Hardware and software changes involve not only the installation of these items, but changes to the master images used by lab maintenance software.

To allow enough time for review of proposals, installation, and testing, we require that software changes be subject to the following schedule:


Submit request by

Software delivered


July 5

August 5


December 5

January 5


April 5

May 5

Installation requests that do not meet this schedule are subject to delay because of very heavy time demands on ACCS technical staff during semester startup periods.

Changes to the physical layout, such as room alterations or new furniture, should be accomplished well in advance of these dates.

Author: Bill Kaupe, Lab Systems Administrator
Academic Computing and Client Services

Installations, Changes, and Maintenance by ACCS | 0 Comments |
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