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Staff Council Food Drive

Contributed by Laurie Kern on 03/24/03 

In conjunction with the Ithaca College Day of Service, the Staff Council will once again be sponsoring a food drive during the week of April 7 - 11.

Donations will be sent to the Tompkins County Food Distribution Network, which distributes food to 13 pantries throughout Tompkins County. Please bring your non-perishable foods to the following locations:

Alumni Hall
Campus Center
Campus Safety
Gannett Center
Health Center
Job Hall (1st floor)
Muller Hall (2nd floor)
Park Hall
Residential Life, East Tower
Smiddy Hall
Towers Concourse
West Tower - 14th
Whalen Center

If you have any questions about the food drive, please contact Laurie Kern at 43388 or e-mail to

Thank you for supporting the Staff Council Food Drive!

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