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Faces of Iraq

Contributed by Andrejs Ozolins on 03/14/03 

Staff member Maura Stephens and her husband, George Sapio, will share stories and pictures from their recent trip to Iraq.

Tuesday, March 18, 2003
7:00 p.m.
Textor 102

The two presenters were part of a peace delegation that recently returned from Iraq, where they visited a children's hospital, an orphanage, women's groups, the Iraqi Red Crescent Society, oil-for-food distribution programs, a weapons site, neighborhoods, historical treasures, artistic events, and private homes, speaking with scores of individual Iraqis during their stay.

They have come home to share the stories they learned from Iraqi men, women, and children and to show us the faces of these invisible millions -- those who will suffer if the United States wages another war on that beleaguered country.

Event sponsored by Students for a Just Peace
Contributed by Maura Stephens

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