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Talking in Class about the War

Contributed by Beth Harris on 03/17/03 

The Students for a Just Peace asked me to share their concerns with all of the IC faculty. As SJP's faculty adviser, I appreciate the students' anxieties about the United States invading Iraq. Joey Cronen, the cochair for education, sends the following note.

The Students for a Just Peace would like to ask members of the Ithaca College faculty to devote a portion of class time the period after the war starts to a discussion about the war. Regardless of whether the war is perceived as courageous or calamitous, it will have a significant emotional impact on many students. Furthermore, the sheer magnitude of the event, in our opinion, warrants some class discussion.

Thank you very much for your attention,

Joey Cronen
Cochair for Education
Students for a Just Peace
Contributed by Beth Harris, assistant professor of politics

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