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Reception for David Dresser

Contributed by Lori June on 03/19/03 

The faculty and staff of the School of Health Sciences and Human Performance cordially invite you to a reception in honor of departing associate dean David L Dresser. The reception will be held in the Emerson Suites of Phillips Hall in the Campus Center from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m., Thursday, May 22, 2003.

  • RSVP by Friday, May 9: e-mail Cheryl Tarbell or call 274-3342).
  • Donations toward a gift: send to Lori June, HS&HP dean's office, 320 Smiddy Hall, with checks payable to "Ithaca College."
  • Contributions to be included in a memory book (8 1/2" x 11"): send by May 9 to Janice Monroe, Department of Therapeutic Recreation and Leisure Services

Thank you. We hope to see you at the reception.

Contributed by Lori June

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