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Scholarship for Study in Canada

Contributed by Rachel Gould on 03/20/03 

The Office of International Programs is happy to announce the availability of a new scholarship opportunity for Ithaca College students -- the Killam Fellowships Program, a new initiative for the Foundation for Educational Exchange between Canada and the United States.

The program will provide exceptional students from select universities in Canada and the United States with the opportunity to attend university in the other country.

Each Killam Fellowship will have a value $10,000 US, and students may attend one of ten Canadian Universities. Students will maintain enrollment in their home university and attend the host university as an exchange student. To learn more about this exciting opportunity for your students, please visit their website at , where you can find detailed information about the program, the 10 universities, eligibility requirements, and the fellowship application.

If you know of a student who would be a good candidate for a Killam Fellowship, please contact the Office of International Programs to submit a nomination. We will then make contact with the student to provide further information about this program. Nominations must be in to us by April 1, 2003.

Contributed by Rachel Cullenen

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