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Take a Child to Work Day

Contributed by Jo Anne Rosato on 03/21/03 

Ithaca College will be hosting the fifth "Take a Child to Work Day" on April 16, 2003, an event organized in conjunction with the Ms. Foundation's "Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work®" Day, scheduled for April 24.

The deadline for registration is today, April 1.

We have been working hard to provide you with programs you let us know you were interested in. Again, this year, our program will be for youth ages 10-16 only. Recognizing that some children may need to remain on-campus in the afternoon following lunch and the formal program, we are providing optional activities in the Fitness Center. Please note, however, that a signed waiver form is required before they can be admitted to the Fitness Center.

To register for the April 16 event, you must complete and return the registration form by Tuesday, April 1. On our Website you will find the registration and waiver forms in pdf format to print, complete, and return .

If you have any questions, feel free to contact any committee member. We look forward to a successful event and seeing you there!

Take a Child to Work Day Committee:

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