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Lecture by Barbara Anderson
"Sustainability Education and Action on the College Campus: The Penn State Example,"

April 4
noon-12:50 pm
Textor Hall 103
Reception: 1:00-2:30 pm, in the DeMotte Room, Egbert Hall.

Barbara Anderson, a professor in the science, technology, and society program at Penn State and first director of the Penn State Center for Sustainability, will discuss the lessons learned from the university's efforts to institutionalize green design on its campus. Those interested in meeting the speaker and continuing the discussion are welcome to a reception for her in the DeMotte Room, Egbert Hall, following the lecture. The talk is free and open to the public.

This lecture is sponsored by the three-year "Applying Science to Sustainability" curriculum grant awarded to the College last year by the National Science Foundation, in collaboration with EcoVillage at Ithaca.

Contributed by Garry Thomas,

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