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Campus Events April 6-12

Contributed by Anonymous on 04/03/03 

A selection of recitals, lectures, and other events on campus during the week.

Sunday, April 6


  • Junior trombone recital by Andrea Shaut; 1:00 p.m., Hockett Family Recital Hall, Whalen Center.
  • Rachel S. Thaler Concert Pianist Series performance by pianist Stanislav Ioudenitch and the Syracuse Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Daniel Hege; 3:00 p.m., Ford Hall, Whalen Center.
  • Friends of Ithaca College concert, "Music of Fantasy," featuring the wind ensemble, conducted by Stephen Peterson; 7:00 p.m., Emerson Suites, Phillips Hall (admission charged).
  • Junior voice recital by Megan Kohler; 8:15 p.m., Hockett Family Recital Hall, Whalen Center.
  • Elective sophomore piano recital by Amy Thompson; 9:00 p.m., Nabenhauer Recital Room, Whalen Center.


  • Ithaca College Theatre performance of Bat Boy: The Musical; 2:00 p.m., Clark Theatre, Dillingham Center (admission charged).

Monday, April 7


  • Senior flute recital by Douglas Han; 7:00 p.m., Ford Hall, Whalen Center.
  • Faculty chamber recital by the Ariadne String Quartet, playing works by Haydn, Bartók, and Dvorak; 8:15 p.m., Hockett Family Recital Hall, Whalen Center.


  • Cinema on the Edge/War: Search for a Common Ground Film Festival showing of "Facing the Enemy," with a discussion to follow; 3:00 p.m., Park 281.

Tuesday, April 8


  • "Nutrition and Aging Students and Longview Residents," a Faculty Development Colloquium Series presentation by Jeanna Lawless, assistant professor of health promotion and human movement; 12:10 p.m., Clark Lounge, Phillips Hall.


  • "Mike Piazza Says He's Not Gay, but Why Do We Care?-Are Sports Fans and Teammates Ready for Lesbian and Gay Athletes to Come Out?" a talk by Pat Griffin, author of "Strong Women, Deep Closets: Lesbians and Homophobia in Sport"; 8:00 p.m., Emerson Suites, Phillips Hall.


  • Lecture and oboe demonstration by guest artist Sarah Davol; 4:00 p.m., Hockett Family Recital Hall, Whalen Center.
  • Senior elective trombone recital by Scott Hoffman; 8:15 p.m., Nabenhauer Recital Room, Whalen Center.


  • Distinguished Visiting Writers Series reading by essayist Phillip Lopate; 7:30 p.m., Textor 103.


  • Cinema on the Edge/War: Search for a Common Ground Film Festival showings of "Arab and Jew: Return to the Promised Land" at 1:10 p.m., Park 285; "Blacks and Jews" at 2:35 p.m., Park Hall Auditorium; and "Family across the Sea" and "The Language You Cry In" at 7:00 p.m., Park Hall Auditorium. A discussion will follow each screening.

Wednesday, April 9


  • Senior piano recital by Kawai Chan; 7:00 p.m., Ford Hall, Whalen Center.
  • Premiere performances of student compositions; 8:15 p.m., Hockett Family Recital Hall, Whalen Center.
  • Elective graduate lecture and trombone recital by Robert Bruns; 9:00 p.m., Nabenhauer Recital Room, Whalen Center.


  • Cinema on the Edge/War: Search for a Common Ground Film Festival showing of "Compromise: A Palestinian-Israeli Coproduction of Romeo and Juliet," with a discussion to follow; 3:00 p.m., Park 281.


  • "Functional Disability and Low Vision: What Can We Do?" a Finger Lakes Geriatric Education Center Series on Aging session by Linda Travis, senior instructor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Rochester Medical Center; 2:00 p.m., Clark Lounge, Egbert Hall. Preregistration is required and there is a fee; call (607) 274-3143.

Thursday, April 10


  • Opening reception for "Senior Student Exhibition 2003," a display of works by students in the Ithaca College Department of Art and Department of Cinema and Photography; 5:00-7:00 p.m., Handwerker Gallery.


  • "What Erases the Coast: A Poetry Reading," a Faculty Development Colloquium Series presentation by Sarah Jefferis, assistant professor of writing; 12:10 p.m., Clark Lounge, Phillips Hall.


  • "The Latino Challenge! Past, Present, Future," a Religions, Ethnicities, Identities series talk by Anthony Stevens-Arroyo, director of the Office of Research for Religion in Society and Culture, Brooklyn College; 7:00 p.m., Clark Lounge, Egbert Hall.
  • "Journalism in a Post-9/11 World," a Jessica Savitch Distinguished Journalism Lecture Series talk by John Seigenthaler, NBC News anchor and correspondent; 7:30 p.m., Park Hall Auditorium.
  • "Modesty and Assertion," a Distinguished Visiting Writers Series talk by Phillip Lopate; 7:30 p.m., Textor 101.


  • Graduate bassoon recital by Stacy Motquin; 7:00 p.m., Hockett Family Recital Hall, Whalen Center.
  • Student recital by the jazz workshop, directed by Paul Merrill; 8:15 p.m., Ford Hall, Whalen Center.


  • Cinema on the Edge/War: Search for a Common Ground Film Festival showing of "Living in Conflict: Voices from Israel and Palestine," with a discussion to follow; 1:10 p.m., Park 285.
  • Know Justice, Know Peace film series showing of "Gaza Strip," with a discussion to follow; 7:00 p.m., Textor 102.

Friday, April 11


  • Graduate lecture and voice recital by Erica Steinhagen; 6:00 p.m., Nabenhauer Recital Room, Whalen Center.
  • Junior voice recital by Christopher Martin; 7:00 p.m., Hockett Family Recital Hall, Whalen Center.
  • Student recital by Ithacappella; 9:00 p.m., Ford Hall, Whalen Center.

Saturday, April 12


  • Senior percussion recital by Stephen Solook; noon, Ford Hall, Whalen Center.
  • Graduate viola recital by Suzanne Miller; 1:00 p.m., Hockett Family Recital Hall, Whalen Center.
  • Senior trumpet recital by Timothy Harkcom; 2:00 p.m., Ford Hall, Whalen Center.
  • Graduate saxophone recital by Joseph Ford; 3:00 p.m., Hockett Family Recital Hall, Whalen Center.
  • Senior piano recital by Christopher Wilson; 4:00 p.m., Ford Hall, Whalen Center.
  • Graduate lecture and violin recital by William Hurley; 6:00 p.m., Nabenhauer Recital Room, Whalen Center.
  • Junior bassoon recital by Amanda Ginovsky; 7:00 p.m., Hockett Family Recital Hall, Whalen Center.
  • Student recital by the vocal jazz ensemble, directed by Lauri Keegan; 8:15 p.m., Ford Hall, Whalen Center.


  • "Senior Student Exhibition 2003," a display of works by students in the Ithaca College Department of Art and Department of Cinema and Photography; opens April 10 and runs through May 18. The Handwerker Gallery is open Monday through Friday, 10:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. (Thursday until 9:00 p.m.); Saturday, 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.; and Sunday, 2:00-6:00 p.m.

Unless noted all events are free and open to the public

Contributed by Keith Davis

Campus Events April 6-12 | 0 Comments |
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