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April is LGBT Awareness Month

Contributed by Luca Maurer on 03/30/03 

April is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender (LGBT) Awareness Month, or -- as it is sometimes referred to on our campus -- "Gaypril." This April will bring a variety of LGBT-themed special events, speakers, a new feature lecture series, and films to campus. Events will take place almost every day of the month.

You can find the entire calendar of Ithaca College April LGBT awareness month events at the Office of Multicultural Affairs Center for LGBT Education, Outreach, & Services -- click on the "Events and hours" button, and then on that new page click on "Check out Ithaca College's Comprehensive Gaypril Calendar!" and a printable calendar will open.

The calendar is a collaborative effort to list all LGBT themed events occurring on campus and in the community during April, and as such are sponsored by a variety of departments and organizations. Contact Lisa Maurer in the LGBT Center (274-7394) for further info or a contact person for any particular event.

Contributed by Lisa Maurer

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