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Multicultural Teaching and Curriculum Transformation
First Ithaca College Summer Institute for Faculty
May 19-22
Campus Center

The Institute is supported by funds designated by President Peggy Williams for faculty development. It is intended to accelerate the implementation of the college mission "to share the responsibilities of citizenship and service in the global community." In particular, the Institute seeks to address issue of diversity, expressed in the Institutional Plan as the priority to "enhance the diversity of students, faculty, and staff and create a supportive environment and programs for the entire College community."

Three prominent scholars and leaders in the field of higher education will lead the Institute, which will be open to 40 faculty members. Consistent with the emphasis on department-level planning, we are asking departments to select a delegate for the Institute or to collaborate with another department to share a delegate. Faculty members may apply as individuals as well, and will be included if space is available.

The commitment for participants is to attend the four-day institute and two follow-up meetings during next year. Participants will receive a $500 stipend.

For further information and application instructions, see the Summer Institute Announcement

Tanya Saunders and Susanne Morgan are organizing the Institute and welcome your questions. Contact them by e-mail or phone:
 Tanya Saunders 274-3063
 Susanne Morgan 274-3521.

Author: Peter W. Bardaglio

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