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A presentation by Tish Rabe '73
best-selling children's book author, television writer & lyricist.
Tuesday, April 15
noon-1:00 pm
Park 220

Tish Rabe '73 just completed serving as head writer for "I Spy," a new television series produced by Scholastic Entertainment for broadcast on HBO. She will discuss the process of writing for children's television and present the creative stages from initial brainstorming, to story boards, to pencil tests, to final animation using examples from this series which debuted in December 2002. Based on the best-selling "search and find" books which have sold over 19 million copies, the "I Spy" television series expands on the books by presenting new characters while keeping the classic I Spy rhymes in every show. "I spy a mitten, an orange to squeeze, a sweet candy cane and two slices of cheese." Rabe created 52 initial episodes for this series, which has already been sold in Canada and overseas. Rabe is also the author of the new Cat in the Hat Dr. Seuss books and will speak about the process of writing children's books.

Free and open to all interested students, staff, and faculty. No preregistration required.

Contributed by Antoinette Di Ciaccio

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