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New Major and Minor

Contributed by Antoinette Di Ciaccio on 04/03/03 

Integrated Marketing Communications
Students, faculty, and staff are invited to this informational presentation about the new bachelor of science degree in integrated marketing communications, to be offered beginning fall 2003.
Tuesday, April 8, 2003
12:10-1:00 pm
Park Auditorium

The degree reflects the convergence of careers in public relations, advertising, marketing, and sales promotion. In other words, students interested in any of these areas must now be prepared for a career that requires them to have working knowledge in all four areas and to use them interactively. This new degree program represents three years of research and planning by a joint committee of faculty members from the Park School and the School of Business.

Representatives of the degree planning committee will be on hand to explain and answer any questions about this new major and minor.

Open to all interested students, faculty, and staff

Contributed by Scott Hamula, Asst. Professor, Television-Radio (

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