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Family Carnival

Contributed by Deborah Mohlenhoff on 04/09/03 

Reminder to shake off your cabin fever by bringing your families to the carnival in the Fitness Center this Friday Night from 5:00-8:00 pm.

Just added!
Premium Blend will be performing at 5:30pm.

Whipped cream pie throwing table -- Some fabulous volunteers, including Brian McAree, John Bradac, and Beth Service (the parking ticket lady) are all willing to be CREAMED for a good cause!!

This event, to benefit the Children's Miracle Network, is a new event this year. In order for it to grow into an annual event, we need lots of people to make it a success.

Please contact Kim Wojtanik at 274-1687 or Deb Mohlenhoff at 274-1380 for more information.

See you Friday!

Contributed by Deborah Mohlenhoff (

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