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Women's HeartAdvantage

Contributed by Deborah Merriman on 04/15/03 

I am pleased to announce that Ithaca College is working cooperatively with the Cayuga Medical Center in sharing information to increase awareness of heart disease in women. Heart disease is the number one health risk for women.

The Cayuga Medical Center and other leading hospitals and their physicians nationwide have developed the "Women's HeartAdvantage Program." This is a program to increase awareness of heart disease, to assist people in recognizing symptoms, and, most importantly, to reduce risk.

Please join us for an informative session with staff from the Cayuga Medical Center on Tuesday, April 22, at noon in the Human Resources Training Room, Administration Annex. The program will last approximately 45 minutes with time for questions at the end of the presentation. Feel free to bring your lunch. Beverages and dessert will be available.

Contributed by Deb Merriman

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