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The Role of NGOs and the UN in Nation Building in Iraq
Seble Dawit, Goucher College
7:00 p.m., Monday, April 21, 2003
202 Center for Health Sciences
A reception will follow the talk.

Iraq, February, 2003. M.Stephens photo
Seble Dawit is a human rights lawyer, activist, and educator. Currently she is the director of the peace studies program and assistant professor at Goucher College in Baltimore, Maryland.

Professor Dawit has had a very distinguished career -- among her many accomplishments, she served for three years as the visiting assistant professor of women's studies at Wellesley College, co-founded the African Women's Leadership Institute, and directed Alliances, an African women's advocacy organization that supports policy-oriented gender programs throughout Africa.

The lecture is free and open to the public -- we welcome visitors from off-campus.

Professor Dawit's visit to campus is being cosponsored by the Office of the Provost, the Student Government Association, and the Students for a Just Peace.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodation should contact the Office of Affirmative Action at 607-274-3909 (voice), 607-274-1767 (TDD), or as much in advance of the event as possible.

Contributed by Rosalie Fitzgerald

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