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The Bombers (13-6) went 3-0 in the Empire 8 tournament to claim their first conference championship since the 1989 season.

Ithaca opened with a 7-0 shutout of Utica, then defeated St. John Fisher 6-1 in the semifinals and topped two-time defending champion RIT 7-0 in the finals. Ithaca lost only one singles match (vs. St. John Fisher) and one doubles match (vs. RIT) on the weekend.

The 13 wins posted by the Bombers is a school record, topping last season's 12-9 mark.

Senior Michael Medvin (Princeton/Princeton, N.J.) and freshman Tim Klein (Union-32/Montpelier, Vt.) were perfect on the weekend, winning all six of their matches. Junior Blair Watkins (Central Bucks East/Doylestown, Pa.) and senior Scott Rubens (Lower Merion/Wynnewood, Pa.) each posted five wins for Ithaca. Medvin and Rubens became the third and fourth Bombers to reach the 100 overall victory mark. Rubens tied a school record, posting his 59th career singles win.

Contributed by Michael Warwick

Bombers Win Empire 8 Men's Tennis Title | 0 Comments |
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