Tuesday, April 29, Wednesday, April 30, Thursday, May 1
CNS 112
Refreshments served 3:40 p.m. CNS 1st floor lobby
All Are Welcome!
Tuesday, April 29 |
4:00 pm |
Jon Lappen (Ed Cluett), Role of actin microfilaments in cholesterol trafficking |
4:15 |
Jamie Schnoor (Susan Swensen), Concerted evolution in the ITS region of hybrids between closely-related species in the genus Psiguria (Cucurbitaceae) |
4:30 |
Vincent Frary (John Confer), The detection rate for banded Black-capped Chickadees for woodlots with one or two winter flocks |
4:45 |
Mondara Lodge (Peter Melcher), Exploring the hydraulic conductivity of the xylem pathway |
5:00 |
Kristen Abbott (Jean Hardwick), Histamine mediation of synpatic transmission in the guinea pig cardiac ganglion |
Wednesday, April 30 |
4:00 pm |
Loren Johnson (Andy Smith), Characterization of the trail mucus of the land snail Helix aspersa |
4:15 |
Tia Dow (Jason Hamilton), Caterpillar host choice under ambient and elevated CO2 |
4:30 |
Mandi Jacobson (Rich Wodzinski), Sensitivity of the peptide band in Pantocin B, an antibiotic of Ewinia herbicola, to hydrolysis |
4:45 |
Liz Peterson (John Confer), Behavior of Black-capped Chickadees in Winter flocks |
5:00 |
Amanda Popielski (Bruce Smith), Looking for Mr. Right or Mr. Right Now: Female mating choice in Arrenurus manubriator populations |
5:15 |
Michelle Walter (Susan Allen-Gil), Stress: You Want It, We've Got It; The effects of habitat degradation on the reproductive success of the fathead minnow(Pimephales promelas) |
Thursday, May 1 |
4:00 pm |
Christopher Novak (Ed Cluett), Effect of ONO-RS82 on intracellular transport pathways |
4:15 |
Joshua Nelson (Ed Cluett), Compartments involved in intracelluar cholesterol trafficking |
4:30 |
Lee Gould (Ed Cluett), Waste characterization of Ithaca College |
4:45 |
Jessica Lyon (Rich Wodzinski), The inactivation of the antibiotic Erwina herbicola by proteolytic enzymes |
5:00 |
Mike Stoko (Cornell Faculty Member), Transgenic rice for stress tolerance and functional genomics |
5:15 |
Adrienne Yerdon (Susan Swensen), Utility of the mitochondrial nad1 intron for resolving inter- and intra-species phylogeny in the genus Gurania Cucurbitaceae) |
Contributed by Nancy Pierce