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Tuesday, April 29, Wednesday, April 30, Thursday, May 1
CNS 112
Refreshments served 3:40 p.m. CNS 1st floor lobby
All Are Welcome!


Tuesday, April 29

4:00 pm

Jon Lappen (Ed Cluett), Role of actin microfilaments in cholesterol trafficking


Jamie Schnoor (Susan Swensen), Concerted evolution in the ITS region of hybrids between closely-related species in the genus Psiguria (Cucurbitaceae)


Vincent Frary (John Confer), The detection rate for banded Black-capped Chickadees for woodlots with one or two winter flocks


Mondara Lodge (Peter Melcher), Exploring the hydraulic conductivity of the xylem pathway


Kristen Abbott (Jean Hardwick), Histamine mediation of synpatic transmission in the guinea pig cardiac ganglion


Wednesday, April 30

4:00 pm

Loren Johnson (Andy Smith), Characterization of the trail mucus of the land snail Helix aspersa


Tia Dow (Jason Hamilton), Caterpillar host choice under ambient and elevated CO2


Mandi Jacobson (Rich Wodzinski), Sensitivity of the peptide band in Pantocin B, an antibiotic of Ewinia herbicola, to hydrolysis


Liz Peterson (John Confer), Behavior of Black-capped Chickadees in Winter flocks


Amanda Popielski (Bruce Smith), Looking for Mr. Right or Mr. Right Now: Female mating choice in Arrenurus manubriator populations


Michelle Walter (Susan Allen-Gil), Stress: You Want It, We've Got It; The effects of habitat degradation on the reproductive success of the fathead minnow(Pimephales promelas)


Thursday, May 1

4:00 pm

Christopher Novak (Ed Cluett), Effect of ONO-RS82 on intracellular transport pathways


Joshua Nelson (Ed Cluett), Compartments involved in intracelluar cholesterol trafficking


Lee Gould (Ed Cluett), Waste characterization of Ithaca College


Jessica Lyon (Rich Wodzinski), The inactivation of the antibiotic Erwina herbicola by proteolytic enzymes


Mike Stoko (Cornell Faculty Member), Transgenic rice for stress tolerance and functional genomics


Adrienne Yerdon (Susan Swensen), Utility of the mitochondrial nad1 intron for resolving inter- and intra-species phylogeny in the genus Gurania Cucurbitaceae)

Contributed by Nancy Pierce

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